What we paid for the IAC
Jan 14, 2011
Bishop Hill in Bureaucrats, Climate: IPCC

I have had a response to my FOI request regarding the Department of Energy and Climate Change and the Interacademies Council report on the IPCC.

Firstly, I asked how much funding DECC gave to the inquiry, and the answer is as follows:

The UK strongly supported the IAC review of the IPCC as an opportunity to make an excellent organisation even more effective. Alongside other IPCC Governments, the UK received a request from UNEP to provide financial support to enable a review of the IPCC to be carried out, and provided US$ 35,000 to support the review process.

Then I asked about whether DECC had put in a response to the inquiry. The answer is that they had, and I was referred to pages 654-8 of the recently published archive of the submissions. The relevant extract can be seen below. DECC think that, on the whole, the IPCC is fine and dandy, with just a bit of tightening up around the margins required.

Lastly I asked for any related correspondence, and they've said that I will have to be a bit more specific. I will give this some thought.


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