Enviro what?
Jan 18, 2011
Bishop Hill in Greens

Benny Peiser points me to some more evidence that interest in the great green god Gaia is waning. In fact so uninterested are the public that it is getting quite hard to find anyone who thinks it's a priority at all.

The story comes from a report about a Fabian society conference, which heard from pollster Peter Kellner:

YouGov pollster Peter Kellner reinforced the point, noting that in 2005, 20 per cent of the public pointed to environmental issues as important to them - this year that number had fallen to 7%. Likewise, three years ago 50% of the public accepted that climate change is man-made, but as a result of the University of East Anglia controversy, amongst other things, this had fallen to below 40%.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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