Fulmination in Oz
May 9, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: other, Media

Andrew Bolt casts a weary eye over the antics of Professor Clive Hamilton, a hyperactive supporter of the AGW orthodoxy:

Former Greens candidate Professor Clive Hamilton is furious:

Who would have thought the Melbourne Theatre Company would get into bed with Andrew Bolt?

But here’s the thing. Hamilton is a professional moralist - a Professor of Public Ethics, no less. Standing for goodness, he denounces ‘the highly personal attacks”, “vituperation” , “vilification of individuals” .and “angry ridicule” that he detects from sceptics.

Yet in response to the MTC staging a play with the sceptic as a hero, Hamilton lets fly with a truly extraordinary stream of abuse:

...discredited ... rat-bags ... denier .. conspiracy theorists ... fossil-fuel industry hatchet men ... cyber-bullies ... shit-spreaders ...  shock jocks ... bullshit ...  insidious ... grubbier ... distortion ...  cowardly ... artistic wanking ... poison ... slippery falsehoods ... travesty

Please avoid responding in kind to Professor Hamilton and please avoid merely venting.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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