Paterson - wind will not work
Sep 15, 2012
Bishop Hill in Energy: wind

Owen Paterson has given his first major interview, choosing Farmer's Weekly for this important occasion.

You have a reputation for being a climate change sceptic. Are you?

I’m practical. I’m really amazed by the way this has all blown up. There has been significant opposition in my part of the world to inland wind farms – for the sensible reason there is no wind there.

But I am clear that climate change is happening – climate change has been happening and will continue to happen. And it is quite obvious there is a man-made element to that.

What I want to see is the right measures in the right place delivering the right results.

From my own direct constituency experience I don’t personally think that inland wind farms are effective at reducing carbon. I don’t even think they are effective at producing energy.

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