Foe Yeo must go
Nov 30, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament

There were no doubt scenes of wild revelry in South Suffolk last night with the news that the local Conservative Association has decided that they do not want Tim Yeo to be their MP any longer.

A statement from the association, issued last night, said: “The executive council of the South Suffolk Conservative Association met on the evening of Friday, November 29 and voted not to re-adopt Tim Yeo for the 2015 general election.

“Mr Yeo is now considering his position and will advise the executive council of his intended course of action.”

Of course he remains an MP and, despite having been recorded telling a lobbyist that he had coached a parliamentary witness, he remains the chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Committee, after constructing some doubt for the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner to give him the benefit of.

And of course, with a past as (ahem) colourful as his, Yeo is probably in prime position to be elevated to the House of Lords. We wait expectantly.


Update on Nov 30, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

David Rose notes that Yeo has made something like £400,000 from his green directorships since 2009. Amazing that people would pay so much money to the mere chairman of the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee.

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