Boulton on scientific practice and malpractice
Mar 26, 2013
Bishop Hill in FOI

Geoffrey Boulton is giving a speech to JISC, the goverment body which "inspires UK colleges and universities in the innovative use of digital technologies, helping to maintain the UK's position as a global leader in education". (Austerity, what austerity?). His comments are being widely tweeted under the hashtag #jiscmrd. Here are a few interesting ones:

Bolton from Royal Society saying that its "malpractice" to not publish underlying data to research at same time as paper published

: Boulton says publishing of data should be concurrent with the paper. ” <- very much agreed.

Boulton: cures for scientific fraud: open data for replication, transparent peer review, personal and system integrity

Geoffrey Boulton: open data is our responsibility to citizen science.

It's funny to see Boulton calling for transparent peer review after failing to investigate allegations of journal nobbling - probably the single most important issue to have emerged from Climategate - during the Russell inquiry.

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