Deben denies interests in energy
Jul 3, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Deben

A grand committee of the House of Lords has been examining the provisions of the Energy Bill. The video of the meeting is below. The contributions to the debate are remarkable in that almost every speaker had to acknowledge a financial interest in the side they were supporting. One of the few exceptions was Matt Ridley (from 17:19.25), who pointed out that he was speaking against his declared interest in coal and in favour of gas.

During the debate, Lord Deben declared (16:52.00) that he had no business interests in areas related to the bill (although he declared his interests in the CCC and GLOBE International during his speech).

According to Veolia Water UK - which readers will recall has a business connecting new power generators to the grid -  he remains chairman of the board.

His failure, once again, to acknowledge his conflict of interest is presumably because if he acknowledges it now, he will be accepting by implication that he should have declared it when he stood as chairman of the Climate Change Committee. He has no choice except to try to tough it out.

(Incidentally, Nigel Lawson, from 17:33.0 onwards, was on very good form)

Update on Jul 3, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Later on in the debate, Deben says something about having stopped himself having anything to do with the bit of the company (presumably Veolia) that is involved with grid connections.

Not sure this is going to wash.

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