Diary dates: Laframboise European tour
Apr 7, 2014
Bishop Hill in Diary dates

From Donna's blog

This Thursday, I’ll be addressing the International Conference on Climate and Energy, which is being held in Mannheim, Germany (info here).

Also on the program: meteorologist Richard Lindzen, geologist Sebastian Lüning, astrophysicist Nir Shaviv, and solar physicist Henrik Svensmark.


At 3 pm on Saturday, I’ll be in speaking in Berlin, at an event  organized by Achse des Guten. It will take place at the Stasimuseum and I will be sharing the podium with fellow Canadian, Patrick Moore.

His eye-opening book, Confessions of Greenpeace Dropout, reveals how science and environmental activism parted ways long ago. Moore is currently touring Europe in an attempt to expose Greenpeace’s immoral and irrational stand against golden rice. See the Allow Golden Rice Now website.


At 7 pm on Tuesday, April 15 I’ll be the main attraction at another event at the Stasimuseum in Berlin. For further details, please use the contact info on the website here.


On Monday, April 28th, I’ll be speaking in Edinburgh from 7:30-9:00 pm at the City Chambers, High Street. This is a free event, open to the public.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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