The BBC's climate problem
Jun 29, 2014
Bishop Hill in BBC

The juxtaposition of the two parts of David Rose's article in the Mail on Sunday today does much to illustrate the BBC's shattered credibility on global warming. The first part is about the BBC Action Aid, the corporation's in-house charity, which has been campaigning vigorously on the climate change issue.

The BBC has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers’ money asking 33,000 people in Asian countries how climate change is affecting them.

The £519,000 campaigning survey by little-known BBC Media Action is designed to persuade the world to adopt more hard-line policies to combat global warming.


In the second part, meanwhile, there is the BBC's recent decision that global warming sceptics who appear on air need to be introduced as being wrong, or words to that effect.
Suffice it to say that when the two parts of Rose's article are read in their entirety, the BBC's editorial position on global warming starts to look very ugly indeed.
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