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I hope he was joking

I look forward to the opportunity of working positively with Vivienne Westwood on improving our energy supplies and security.

Matt Hancock MP, minister of state for Energy, yesterday

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Reader Comments (58)

She looks good in green...

Sep 5, 2014 at 11:26 PM | Unregistered CommenterJimmy Haigh

That feisty and renowned johanna, gave me a virtual spanking last time I had the temerity to criticize the very Ms highfalutin whose ever so touched, plus slightly tongue tied yet grossly ridiculous St. bloomin' Viv', so I'll step out of that side of the conversation. Yes Jo, she made some dosh too and she has a certain talent, if you tend to that sort of thing.

Sufficed to say, I have never held a high opinion, concerning both Red and Blue hues - of the standard cabinet minister and of those risen to the senior executive and beyond that. Mostly these fantasists, are of the type who lust for power. For Britain, unfortunately, these days the rump of our precious politicians mainly have never stepped out and into the real world, this is why they cannot connect with the likes of those who have actually leant their shoulders to the wheel and in so doing have gotten their knees dirty from doing an honest days toil.

Ah yes power, for most - it is an addictive and corrosive acid, and it is a thirst which can never be slaked. Power, even in the hands of lesser well rounded beings, has the effect of a mental blight, and it corrupts eating away internally. It does most damage, particularly with politicians, who in their meagre cognitive faculties stumble and fade during their terms and as each year passes, the country is that bit more - mired in debt and fashioned decrepit.
Ed Davey clearly, is as mad as a hatter having a tea party ensconced with a ragbag bunch of equally lunatic green weasels and a cadre of aloof civil servants who in their final wheeze of dying breath would baulk at doing Britain's bidding. Anthony Bliar, would be the best and most egregious recent example of what I allude to but by thunder, the list is long.

Mr. Hancock, is having his half hour of stand up routine and from afar, he seems to fit right in with the comedians, sycophants and snake oil pedlars crowding the Westminster bubble.

Sep 6, 2014 at 12:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterAthelstan.

"Fight, never give up, never stop, fight: we'll beat the things together"

Any ideas as to how we can take the fight forward.
Please don't suggest the ballot box; any other suggestions will be seriously

Why dismiss the ballot box? With politics in turmoil there could be no better time for you to get involved at any and all levels. take my case -- blog commenter, shouter at the TV, vaguely wishing that someone would talk sense about climate change. I joined UKIP, five months later i was a county councillor. My first motion to council was about climate change and the bind we find ourselves in wrt energy. I didn't change their minds, but i made the LibLabC0ns think (not the greens of course, when they turn up it's just to make sure they don't lose their allowances).

One vote c an count; One Vote Steve got in by -- yes -- one vote. There are now nine of us. matt hancock has suddenly popped up in haverhill, he'd open an envelope if he knew the papers were there. Why? because we've scared him.

So, fight by voting, fight by campaigning, fight by standing under a draughty tent in your local town, talking to people, pushing the message. Write to your local paper when they get it wrong and make it obvious that by swallowing the climate guff they are alienating their readers.Make it obvious to your MP that he has lost your vote. Will it make a difference? Who knows? But doing nothing is doing nothing. The political class is running scared and is, for the first time i remember, listening to the voters. Press home that advantage and don't let the buggers off the hook.

Sorry, off to a UKIP briefing 150 miles away, running late, no time fo typoes.


Sep 6, 2014 at 10:02 AM | Unregistered CommenterJulian Flood

Thanks to johannna for the plug yesterday on my article about Westwood up the Amazon. Do read it. As a special bonus there’s a link to a youtube clip of Vivienne in a swimming costume braving the caymans.
I did another article on how she saw the climate catastrophe light at
which reveals a disturbing side to this farce. She’s teamed up with ex M.P. Frank Field of Cool Earth and a Swedish millionaire to raise a hundred million to buy up rainforests. And the first thing she did when she decided to save the world is ring up Kate and Naomi to ask them to chip in with a few million each. This is why she’s invited to talk to the EU Commission on the same platform as Richard Dawkins and Eric Schmidt of Google, and why Mike Handcock and Professor Betts are eager to be seen in her company.
The attempt to turn climate alarmism into a mass movement has been a miserable failure. It’s rebirth as an exclusive club for millionaires eager to change the world with their cheque books must be couintered. We can do it by commenting at Climaterevolution and everywhere else where the Climate Weirdoes open their articles for comments.

Sep 6, 2014 at 11:35 AM | Registered Commentergeoffchambers


ex M.P. Frank Field

Field himself seems to think he still is one:

In 1979 Frank was elected Member of Parliament for Birkenhead and has since displayed a unique attachment to his constituency …

I'm not denying the existence of an "exclusive club for millionaires eager to change the world with their cheque books [that] must be countered," just doubting that Field would be taken in by such a thing.

Sep 6, 2014 at 11:45 AM | Registered CommenterRichard Drake

"We're doomed I tell you, doomed"


Sep 6, 2014 at 12:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterPointman

Westwood amusingly dates a young boy toy photographer who she nude models for. Her fashions are just punk culture rip offs but her jewelry is fun enough to redeem her as an artisan.

Sep 7, 2014 at 1:35 AM | Unregistered CommenterNikFromNYC

Athelstan, I'm guessing here but presumably it refers to my comments about the fact that Westwood has survived and thrived in a very competitive industry - therefore she cannot be completely stupid.

I apologise if my comments in that thread attacked you personally, although, looking them over, I'm pretty sure that that I didn't. Please provide examples if I've missed something.

But, as Jennifer Saunders' Ab Fab brilliantly illustrates, there are plenty of people making big money in that world with the brainpower of a dried pea.

Sep 7, 2014 at 6:54 AM | Registered Commenterjohanna

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