Official: Bob Ward is a smearmonger
Jan 29, 2015
Bishop Hill in Climate: Ward

This was just posted by Richard Tol. I reproduce it here for public edification:

Mr Robert ET Ward BSc, employed by the London School of Economics and Political Science to promote the research of the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, has engaged in a smear campaign against me.

At least, according to the Daily Mail.

Mr Ward was not so pleased with that characterization of his work, and complained to the Independent Press Standards Organization.

Yesterday, IPSO ruled that a "smear campaign" is a perfectly fine description of Mr Ward's work.

My response to Mr Ward's work is here.

Professor John P. Abraham highlighted Mr Ward's work in the Guardian. See my response. Unfortunately, the Guardian is not regulated by IPSO. The Guardian is regulated by the Guardian.

Update on Jan 29, 2015 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Richard Tol has now posted the decision notice of IPSO. I don't think the decision is exactly as he described it.

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