Let me explain
Jun 23, 2015
Bishop Hill in Greens

My story last week about Naomi Oreskes' transcontinental trips to indulge her passion for skiing got picked up by Breitbart yesterday and the poor woman seems a bit taken aback. Overnight she tweeted this:

Thought 4 day: if U R negative, deniers accuse U of misanthropy. If U love snow, they say U R hypocrite. I go with love.

I'm not sure she is quite understanding the criticism, so let me explain.  It is not her love of snow that is being attacked, it is the fact that she is willing to take a 5000 mile round trip to go skiing while simultaneously criticising others for excessive consumption. If we are really facing a planetary crisis then trips of this nature are surely going to have to stop.

To answer the question in the title of her book, Why Didn't They Act?, it is probably something to do with the fact that those making the loudest calls for action carry on behaving as if there is no problem at all.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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