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Discussion > Prize-winning Turkey?

It's good to see the Australian Academy of Science still has such a great sense of humour.

It's the 2014 Gongs Show (The Honorific Awards For Scientific Excellence). They have just awarded Chris Turney their 2014 Frederick White Prize, in the "Early career awards".

Professor Turney is an internationally recognised earth scientist and research leader in both climate and environmental change, from the tropics to the poles. By pioneering new ways of combining climate models with records of past climate change (spanning from hundreds to thousands of years), he has discovered new links between variability mechanisms in the Australian region and global climate change.

Shouldn't that be in the "End of career" category?

Jan 21, 2014 at 1:08 PM | Unregistered CommenterKeith Macdonald

Yes, it is said that the art of comedy is about timing and delivery.

Jan 21, 2014 at 3:09 PM | Unregistered Commentermichaelhart

One only has to look at what past top award winners have gone onto achieve.
- Pres Barrack Obama .. After winning the Nobel Peace prize, he has gone on to end all wars. And closed Guantanomo Bay ..nearly.

- Al Gore & the IPCC won the Nobel Peace Price for proving manmade CO2 will cause Catastrophic Climate Global Warming. then they went onto reduce CO2 and see the temperature trend stabilise as a result see atmospheric CO2 greatly increase and see the world temperature stabilise anyway.

- What future great things can we expect fro Expedition leader Turney and his band of Antarctic Monkees ?

Jan 21, 2014 at 5:22 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen