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Discussion > Vision of the future

This clip is interesting almost as a historical document, not least for the conviction the speaker has for his vision of the future and certainty that the Copenhagen meeting in 2009 would change the face of the planet:

I'm wondering whether Prof Maslin or others in his position are still as convinced. Can anyone shed any light on the extent to which the warmists' narrative has changed since 2009 – post Copenhagen, post-Climategate etc?

I note that the link is no longer active.

Jan 31, 2014 at 3:25 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnon

Well the Met Office has very quietly toned things down. I think some of their management has figured out the way things are going. Richard Betts of the Met Office who posts on BH from time to time has stated that the Met Office don't do propaganda.

Here is Vicky Pope in 2009 who, at the time, was 'Head of Climate Change Advice' at the Met Office .

The Met Office has a lot to answer for.

Jan 31, 2014 at 4:38 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A