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Discussion > Cambridge and the Green Heart of the Conservative Party

Ever wondered why Cambridge University has been increasingly prominent in environmental advocacy in recent years? I must admit, I noticed their presence in the post Climategate “environmental communication extravaganza” that began around 2010 as various interested warmist parties began to scrabble around looking to find new ways to “communicate” the message that “we’re all going to die, it’s your fault but we have a tax app that can fix that for you”.

Well, I recently came across an individual who, whilst working as a Sustainability expert for a global Pharma giant had been on a course of study at Cambridge, directly related to “Sustainability” . See the link here UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP. Of course, now it all made sense, following the money usually leads to the answer (not always, but mostly). They have a nice little gravy train that they don’t want to see shunted into a siding.

Further noseying around (the money side of the CPSL) revealed an interesting little company called Earth Capital Partners ( . At first I thought it would be the usual collection of climate misfits selling carbon futures or minor renewable investments, then I looked at the team running the company ( Whoa! Some proper, connected heavyweights in there, most interesting of which is a certain “The Lord Fink”.

Being a working class lad I was not immediately familiar with this particular chap but something about the title lead me to investigate further. Our Lord Stanley Fink is clearly an astonishingly intelligent and successful business man who also happens to be at the heart of the conservative party pulling some very interesting strings (

Remember Cameroons little “sell off the National Forest” ruse that got vetoed very early on in his watch? That got me interested in one or our Good Lord’s interests (New Forests Company (sustainable forestry))
Remember this pleasant little storey?

Greenest government ever? Oh yes.

Any real journalists out there care to dig any deeper into this stinking pile of recyclable organic fertilizer?

Apr 7, 2014 at 1:09 PM | Unregistered CommenterJohn Galt