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Just wondered if anybody can remember how to get re-enabled at the CiF website. A 'close' associate' has been 'disabled' for failing to show sufficient obeisance to the Gods Moderator, Gaia and AGW.

Wonderful how a site dedicated to free comment dislikes it so much when the party line is transgressed.

Oct 17, 2010 at 9:33 AM | Unregistered CommenterLatimer Alder

I hear that overseas aid is one area which the government intends will not be cut. Couldn't they save a lot of money by stopping all the payments which are currently going towards promoting green propaganda in other countries?

Oct 17, 2010 at 9:11 AM | Unregistered CommenterMessenger

Maybe the IPCC should try this approach to form consensus ( no red button, if you are asked toleav, your choice, no pressure)

I would love to see Pachauri perfom a REVERSE TWINKLE

(see hand signals) - Thames Valley Climate Action

Oct 16, 2010 at 7:50 PM | Unregistered CommenterBarry Woods

Hi Bish, (I thought I had posted this once, but maybe a senior moment), it is re the unfair 25 year feed in tariffs. appear to think that the government “have plans to slash the FiT payments for new Solar Installations”. Which is what should be done, but this obviously does not suit GreenerEnergy so they are running a poll the results of which:-

“will be passed to the decision makers at the highest level and we can only hope they will take on board the positive nature of the overwhelming response we have enjoyed so far!”

Have a visit, cast your vote and maybe leave a comment with their Chatmaster – “Overlord and Webmaster”

The balance might benefit from some readdressing. The reason is the following email. Note “As a Friend”, that way the poll was always going to be stacked.


As a Friend of A Shade Greener – Are you aware…?

The Coalition Government may scrap this country’s whole Green initiative next Wednesday?

This will affect you so have your say! NEXT WEEK WILL BE TOO LATE

Click on the Logo below to VOTE NOW -

This email was funded by A shade greener and Nationwide Solar in support of Greener Energy Expert – The discussion area for all things Green!
Want to unsubscribe or change your details?"

Oct 16, 2010 at 7:36 PM | Unregistered CommenterGreen Sand

Comedy Gold part 2

Oh.. I feel a 'REVERSE TWINKLE' coming on..............

A MUST read, if you want to actually laugh hystericall........

From the Thames Valley Climate Action Group (found it via climate camp, my local group)

!!! Take a look at the 'twinkling hand' signal (with picture) to give when the meeting reaches consensus... !!!!

They have their own special hand signals !!!! (Follow the link for the diagrams!!)

"Raise one or both hands and wiggle when you hear an opinion that you agree with, wave a hand with your fingers pointing upwards. This saves a lot of time as people don't need to chip in to say "I'd just like to add that I agree with that point." This is sometimes called a twinkle. Some people use a 'reverse twinkle' (hands pointing down and wiggling) to show disagreement with the point being made."

I might be considered a 'block' and asked to leave....

•Blocks are where people feel so strongly that the proposal should be rejected that they would consider leaving the group if the proposal is passed. People that block will be asked why they are doing so in the hope that the proposal can be modified to address their concerns. Ultimately, if there is a block, consensus has not been reached and the decision will not be taken. If you find yourself blocking a lot it could be that you don't share the same values and vision as the rest of the group and you might think about leaving the group for one that does share your values.

•Stand-asides are where people do not actively support the proposal, but are OK for it to go ahead. As with blocks, people that stand aside will be asked why they are doing so that the group can understand the concerns people have and, hopefully address them. If lots of people stand aside the facilitator may decide that consensus has not been reached and look to reform the proposal. If only a small number of people stand aside the facilitator may decide to go ahead and check for consensus.
•Consensus is when people actively agree to the proposal and are willing to implement it. If you consent to the proposal, show this with the twinkling hands signal.

leaving of course a like minded 'consensus'
some consensus, asking people to leave....

Oct 16, 2010 at 7:35 PM | Unregistered CommenterBarry Woods

Expect more of this:--------------- 16th Oct

The demonstration, which is being supported by a number of action groups including Camp for Climate Action and Plane Stupid, is part of a global week of action against the fossil fuel industry.l

Twelve female protesters have handcuffed themselves to lorries which had been parked to deliberately block the main road leading to an oil refinery.

Demonstrators drove the vehicles to the Coryton Oil Refinery in Essex in an attempt to stop traffic getting to and from the site which they accuse of exacerbating climate change, said a spokesman for the Crude Awakening demonstration.

He said a further 500 people were travelling from London to the refinery to join the protest.

Oct 16, 2010 at 3:20 PM | Unregistered CommenterBarry Woods

Ooops. The WUWT url should be

Oct 15, 2010 at 10:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterRayG

Andrew Revkin posted Harold Lewis' letter resigning from the APS on DotEarth ( with a rather skillful leading away from the issues that Lewis raised into some psychobabble. WUWT picked up the discussion at

Some of your readers and posters may be interested in following this.

Oct 15, 2010 at 10:39 PM | Unregistered CommenterRayG

Pass me the hammer, there is another nail that needs putting to bed.

Oct 15, 2010 at 8:40 PM | Unregistered CommenterLord Beaverbrook

Some nice juicy organograms for the Department of Energy and Climate Change:

Oct 15, 2010 at 6:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterCumbrian Lad

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