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The Cambridge conference - videos

The Howard Foundation has started to post videos of the talks at the Cambridge Climate Conference. So far only the contributions from Nigel Lawson and Vaclav Klaus have appeared. No doubt the scientists will follow in due course.

Lawson Part 1, Part 2.

Klaus Part 1, Part 2.

(H/T Climate Realists)

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Reader Comments (1)

Orlowski's informal 'minutes'

It would seem to any reasonable bystander that this initiative, with its many star speakers, could and should have been the start of a genuine and mature public dialogue and debate. But, like the spontaneous Christmas Truce at Ypres in 1914, which likewise received British media censorship until news finally leaked out of the USA, such fraternisation met with disapproval and prohibition from the 'High Command', and seemingly still does, from the present 'Powers that Be'. It begs the idle thought that if WW1 had not escalated post Christmas 1914 to the utter devastation that ensued, how much richer our industrial prowess and economy could have become in the ensuing centennial. Here we go again, down that sad road.

Aug 1, 2011 at 8:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterPharos

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