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Reader Comments (3)

17 Jan: ReadTheHook: Mann act: 'Hockey stick' scientist returns to UVA
by Hawes Spencer
"It's not wrong to be wrong," says Michael Mann, author of the famous "hockey stick graph," the controversial image of a recent spike in global temperatures...
"While I've borne costs, I've also borne opportunities," Mann said. "The best way I can get back at my detractors is being the most effective spokesperson I can be."
During the Q&A period, Mann asserted that deniers of climate change have received "far too much prominence" in media reports and that nations such as the U.S. and Australia– perhaps due to their history of "contrarianism" and "the rugged individualist mindset"– have rejected limits on emissions eagerly accepted by European nations.
In keeping with willingness to be wrong, Mann told the crowd in UVA's Clark Hall to remain open to new information.
"We should all be skeptics," he said. "I'd like to think I'm a skeptic."

"eagerly accepted" by european nations, or forced on european populations!

Jan 18, 2012 at 1:55 AM | Unregistered Commenterpat

Wilkipedia shutting down bloody nuisance

Yeah wilkipedia is shutting down for 24hour
There some anti piracy law going through the US senate and they are protesting about it
Yeah its all being done through facebook and twitter
Dont know what to think about it really

Thing is the entertainment industry is losing money
S o why dont the big studios and record labels just set up a worldwide sponsor ship scheme with their artists fans

So if you want a new album by Madonna or another blockbuster sequal to Transformers you go on Madonnas or Jerry Bruckhiemer sites and donate money

Theres a tip jar on BIshop Hill and you can donate on spiked and likewise with loads of political and socal sites
So why not entertainment

Hurry up and get wilkipedia back

Jan 18, 2012 at 7:48 AM | Unregistered CommenterJamspid


Respect what wikipedia are doing. Many sites in the States are blacking out today over this including wattsupwiththat, who has a detailed explanation.


Jan 18, 2012 at 5:03 PM | Unregistered CommenterMikeT

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